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Who Is This Guy?!

About Me

Hey! I'm Connor Jordan, a coder passionate about all things tech. Currently immersed in the art of Cyber Security at Tennessee Tech University, I'm a freshman navigating day to day, one step at a time.


🎓 Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN
Bachelor of Science/Computer Science | May 2027 | Freshman Status

🎓 Houston High School, Memphis, TN
High School Diploma | May 2023 | Weighted GPA: 3.56/4.0


Bits, Bytes, & Bots, Memphis, TN
Robotics Instructor | February 2022 - August 2023

Organizations and Leadership

Chess Club, Cookeville, TN
Student Member | 2023 - Present


Networking Certification – Cisco Networking Academy, Memphis, TN

IT Essentials Certification – Cisco Networking Academy, Memphis, TN


Typing, C++, Python, Web Design, Computer Hardware, Computer Networking, IT Support, Microsoft Office